Kako vam se svidjelo? Hvala što se za svoj odmor odabrali naše apartmane.Vaše mišljenje, komentari i prijedlozi za nas su neprocjenjivi i omogućuju nam da konstantno uvodimo nove sadržaje i poboljšavamo kvalitetu svoje usluge.Ovdje u cijelosti prenosimo komentare koje ste upisali u našu Knjigu dojmova koja se nalazi u apartmanu ili ste ih upisali u formular na ovoj Web stranici, odnosno poslali nam ih e-mailom.Vidimo se iduće sezone! Obitelj Perković Apartmani MEDITERRANEO 
Knjiga dojmova Ime | Damjan, Anže i Nina | Obitelj Omerzo | Danijela, Žiga, Žan, Tone i Veronika | Država | Slovenija | Hrvatska | Slovenija | Termin | 9/2005 | 7/2006 | 7/2006 | Apartm. | Lavanda | Rustico | Lavanda | Preslika stranice iz Knjige dojmova | 
Ime | Bernarda i Jože | Obitelj Fischer | Obitelj Lovko | Država | Slovenija | Njemačka | Slovenija | Termin | 8/2006 | 8/2006, 8/2007, 7/2008 | 8/2006 | Apartm. | Lavanda | Rustico, Lavanda | Lavanda | Preslika stranice iz Knjige dojmova | 
Ime | Zdenka i Ljubo | Obitelj Burth | Mirjana, Gordana, Nastja, Ana, Sara, Boris | Država | Slovenija | Njemačka | Slovenija | Termin | 9/2006, 9/2007 | 9/2006 | 6/2007, 5/2008, 7/2008 | Apartm. | Lavanda | Rustico, Lavanda | Lavanda | Preslika stranice iz Knjige dojmova | 
Ime | Kristina, Zoran i Mark | Gerti i Gerd | Država | Slovenija | Njemačka | Termin | 9/2005, 5/2006, 6/2007 | 6/2008, 9/2008 | 6/2006, 6/2007, 6/2008 | Apartm. | Lavanda | Lavanda, Rustico | Lavanda | Preslika stranice iz Knjige dojmova | 
Ime | Damijan, Vlasta, Zola, Neža i Ajda | Alenka, Željko, Lili, Maja | Babi i Samo | Država | Slovenija | Slovenija | Slovenija | Termin | 6/2007 | 7/2007 | 7/2007 | Apartm. | Rustico | Lavanda | Rustico, Lavanda | Preslika stranice iz Knjige dojmova | 
Ime | Joanna i Zbyszek | Heim | Sharine | Država | Poljska | Švicarska | Švicarska | Termin | 8/2007 | 8/2007 | 8/2007 | Apartm. | Lavanda | Rustico | Rustico | Preslika stranice iz Knjige dojmova | 
Ime | Ankica i Miodrag | Mateja, Karin, Roman, Samo, Maja i Damijan | Država | Njemačka | Slovenija | Termin | 8/2007 | 9/2007 | Apartm. | Rustico | Lavanda | Preslika stranice iz Knjige dojmova | 
Ime | Aleksandra, Alenka, Peter, Aleš i Žiga | Kevin, Inga i Olivia | Država | Slovenija | Velika Britanija | Termin | 8/2007 | 9/2007 | Apartm. | Rustico, Lavanda | Lavanda | Preslika stranice iz Knjige dojmova | 
Ime | Admir, Romana i Adisa | Zoran i Milena | Valerie, Sean i Conor | Država | Slovenija | Slovenija | Irska | Termin | 12/2007 | 12/2007 | 6/2008 | Apartm. | Lavanda | Rustico | Lavanda | Preslika stranice iz Knjige dojmova | 
Ime | obitelj Strujić | Obitelj Zagorac/Nanček | Gitta i Günther | Država | Hrvatska | Slovenija | Njemačka | Termin | 6/2008 | 7/2008 | 7/2008 | Apartm. | Rustico | Rustico | Rustico, Lavanda | Preslika stranice iz Knjige dojmova | 
Ime | Luigi, Bruno, Giovanna, Sandra, Giuseppe, Mirella i Luciano | Katja, Martin, Hardy, Sven, Rony, Rene | Država | Italija | Njemačka | Termin | 8/2008 | 9/2008 | Apartm. | Rustico | Lavanda | Rustico, Lavanda | Preslika stranice iz Knjige dojmova | 
We had a great time and your father was awesome. My 3 year old really took a shine to him and keeps on talking about his Fish and his Mussels. It truly is a fantastic place and will indeed create a strong memory within my family. Have a great day and thank you once again. Steve (Velika Britanija) - 8/2005 - apartman Lavanda Bilo nam je vrlo lijepo, zato želimo opet doči kod vas. Bilo bi nam vrlo žao ako nemate više slobodno, jer obožujemo tako otok, kako i vašu obitelj, osobito vašog dragog oca..... I naša kčerka Anja me je več prošlog lijeta pitala zašto ne idemo opet na Kaprije..... Larisa (Slovenija) - 8/2005 - apartmani Rustico i Lavanda
I just want to thank you for having us in your apartment, we've spent such a great time in Kaprije, it's a lovely and peaceful island, just the place we needed to escape from our everyday running. I hope the island will not be ruined by the torrent of turists (that sois a bit stupit as we're just the same : )) and can remain just like that for very long. I wished we could have stayed a bit longer, it's quite hard to get down to work this morning : )). Also please forward our thanks to your parents for their hospitality, your father is a great man, I'm sorry that we couldn't speak too much as I don't speak German at all, and Attila only a few words. The guys in apartment Lavender were also very nice and helpful people, they helped us with some useful advices. Thank you again! Erika i Attila (Mađarska) - 8/2005 - apartman Rustico
U Kaprijam je bilo super. Vrlo se mi sviđa otok i vaš apartma je isto super. Vaš tata vam je super čovjek. Pozdravite ga još jednom u mom imenu. I..šta da vam kažem? Vratit čemo se 100%!!! Hvala vam na svemu i vidimo se drugu godinu. Kristina (Slovenija) - 9/2005, 5/2006, 6/2007, 6/2008, 9/2008 - apartman Lavanda Svima se vama (posebno vašem ocu) zahvaljujemo na lepom prijemu i odmoru. Kaprije su divne, a da ne govorim a apartmanu - kao iz francusku revije o Provansi... Bilo nam je ljepo i sigurnoi se još vidimo - ako budete i nadalje iznajmljivali vašu kuču. Marcel, Boris i Sonja (Slovenija) - 7/2006 - apartman Lavanda We had a very good time this summer in Croatia and this especially due to the fabulous support of your father.
Obitelj Fischer (Njemačka) - 8/2006, 8/2007, 7/2008 - apartmani Rustico i Lavanda Thank you for offering us a really wonderful place for a perfect holiday. We are back now and we are telling our friends and families everything about your island :). I hope you will have many of them visiting you next year. Many greetings for your parents, the nicest host I have ever met.
Sorana (Rumunjska) - 9/2006 - apartman Rustico
We had a very pleasant stay on Kaprije and we are very happy that we had the special honour to meet you and your parents. From the very first moment it was very easy to feel home on this amazing little island which was much more beautiful than we ever could expect. Special thanks to Ive for explaining and showing us so much and for giving us the chance to benefit from his great experiences of life and nature. It was also delightful to eat all this delicous meals he cooked for us while drinking some glasses of whine together. Günther was absolutly sold on the trip to catch some octopuses - we are sorry that we didn't know exactly when Ive wants to come to Kaprije to cook it, so we where unfortunately out with the boat and missed him and this opportunity. Our two sons felt free and happy and it was good to see how trustful they behaved with Ive. As we told you, do we have some problems with our younger son Kai who doesn't want to eat a lot of things. It was that fantastic to see him eating five (!) chivapcicis cooked by Ive with his natural patience. The apartments are both very comfortable and homelike, each in its special way, so we felt very good there and, nevertheless in the amazing garden with all these beautiful plants and animals. There are much more things to say but there is nothing you didn't hear before, isn't it :-) ? The worst was to leave Kaprije, no one of us wanted to travel home. Günther was glad to get the plants for the tea and the oil for his skin, many thanks to Ive! Best whishes to all of your familiy and thank you very much again for lovely vacations. Gitta i Günther (Njemačka) - 7/2008 - apartmani Rustico i Lavanda
Ovom prilikom zahvaljujem se na vašoj vrhunskoj usluzi prilikom našeg boravka u vašem apartmanu na Kaprijama. Bili smo jako zadovoljni (absolutno ništa nam nije falilo) i hvala vašem tati na velikoj brigi oko nas. Vrlo rado bi proveli naš odmor kod vas i sledeče godine, zato vas ako je moguče molim, da me obavestite kad počnete primati rezervacije za 2009 godinu. Još jednom puno hvala i sve dobro i molim puno pozdrava vašem tati Tatjana (Slovenija) - 7/2008 - apartmani Rustico i Lavanda | |